Return & Refund Policy


  • Full Payment of all types of packages/sessions including online training must be received prior to the first 121 session or start date of online training and the client is expected to discuss all health history information and any medical concerns with Fitness Vibez via Par-Q once purchase has been made.
  • All training session packages must be used within a period of 2-months from the of purchase. Moreover, no refunds will be made at any given time regardless of how many sessions the client as had nor when payment has been made.

  • Online packages must be started within a 6-week time period from purchase date failure to do so will be a forfeit and outstanding money will be not be refunded. For example, if you purchased a plan from us in December and by February we still have not received an email update as we asked the customer to provide us with (automatically would be sent to the customer questionnaire etc.) or started the online plan you purchased then we will choose not to work with you and your plan will be voided and non-refundable. The purchased plan online will start from week 1 once we have sent through your training and nutritional plan. We at Fitness Vibez are only responsible for guiding you through your training from week 1 (which is the time you purchased your plan online) through to the end of your training plan (subject to which training plan you have chosen). If you choose to miss a week or have time off this will be your loss and you will not receive your money back, nor the time that you have lost.

  • If a client, for any reason, does not fulfil all of their 121 training sessions which have been paid for within 2 months of purchase date no refund will be given and Fitness Vibez will not owe the client any remaining sessions.