Supplement Guide

  • You will need to weigh your food throughout your program because it’s the only way to accurately know what is going into your body. All food is to be weighed cooked.
  • Be creative when cooking your food, it doesn’t always have to be plain and boring – make stir fry’s, nice salads and use seasonings. Put effort into cooking your food because it will be a lot easier to stick to your diet if the food tastes good.
  • Seasonings will always be fine when cooking but be careful of using condiments because a lot of them can be high in sugar and/or fats. Try to use minimal condiments/sauces or just make sure they are as low as possible in carbohydrates and fats.
  • Do not miss your meals and make sure they are prepared in advance. Meal prepping is a pain but having cooked meals on hand will stop you from eating something you shouldn’t.
  • One cheat meal per week is a reward for your hard work and is only available to you if you have stuck to your meal plan. Having a weekly cheat meal is also beneficial when trying to drop body fat so make sure you enjoy it. Ps. Its cheat meal, not cheat day, one meal only.
  • Water intake is very important so make sure you are drinking 2-3 litres daily.
  • Please refer to your supplement guide below if you have any questions regarding supplements on the plan if we decide to put you on anything.
  • If you are unsure what any of the exercises in your training program are please let us know before you attempt them. If you are unsure of correct technique type the exercise name into YouTube and it will show you how to perform the exercise correctly. 
  • Rest periods between sets will be 20-90 seconds depending upon what the plan says.
  • Your program is quite advanced and may be a lot more work than what you are currently doing. Embrace the extra workload, this is what it takes to see results and it will be worth your time once you have completed it.
  • Before we explain the supplements included in your program you must understand that apart from protein powder, all the supplements listed below are beneficial but you will still see amazing results without them. Supplements will add a maximum of 5 to 10% to your results but we suggest you still use them just to ensure you are doing everything you can to achieve your goals. The supplements listed below are in order of priority of importance and it’s up to you how many you want to use, if any. No supplement will ever give you better results than eating correctly and training hard.



Supplement Guide

Low Carb Protein Powder: Protein powder is by far the most important supplement you will need to use in your program. A high protein diet is the foundation of building muscle and you must keep your protein levels high when trying to lose body fat. Protein will maintain your muscle mass and ensure you only lose fat. Low carb proteins are all very similar, please do not stress too much over which brand you are using as long as it’s low in carbs and fats

Multi Vitamins: Multi vitamins will not help you lose fat or build muscle but are included in your program to keep you healthy and stop you from getting sick. Your health is more important than anything and should always be your number one priority. Multi vitamins are filled with vitamins and minerals to optimize the level your body performs at.

Amino Acids: The primary focus of amino acids is to help you recover faster, prevent you from being catabolic (lose muscle mass) and rehydrate you. The correct time to take amino acids is intra workout, which is during all of your weight training and cardio sessions. Amino Acids contain zero calories and will not make you put any unwanted weight

Creatine: Creatine increases the strength and endurance of your muscles. When your muscles are filled with Creatine you will have an increase in strength and will not fatigue as quickly. Increasing your strength means you are able to progress with the weight you are lifting which will help you build muscle faster. Increasing your endurance will stop your muscles from fatiguing, as quickly which will allow you to perform more reps during your sets for e.g. instead of doing 11 or 12 reps you might get 13 or 14.

Fat Burners: Fat burners are a combination of several different ingredients that assist in the loss of body fat. The way a fat burner works is that it increases your body temperature and allows your body to burn more calories at a quicker rate. E.g. say you went for a walk and you burn 500 calories, if you went for that same exact walk and took a fat burner beforehand your body might burn 600 to 700 calories instead, resulting in faster weight loss. Fat burners are beneficial but you cannot rely on them to lose weight. If you are not dieting or doing any training, you will be wasting your money and won’t see any results. Diet and training will always be more important.

L-Glutamine: L Glutamine is a great supplement to use year around L glutamine protects your muscle mass when on a strict diet assisting with the prevention of muscle loss.

Acetyl L Carnitine: Acetyl L Carnitine converts fatty acids into energy by allowing your body to break down fat at a faster rate. The broken down fat is now available to be used by the body for energy. Acetyl L Carnitine works very slowly; you will not see massive changes over night but it will help maximize the amount of fat you lose.

Casein Protein Powder: Casein protein is not a necessity in your program but is a good alternative to eating meat or eggs every night before you go to bed. The difference between casein protein and normal protein is that normal protein is absorbed within approximately 90 minutes, whereas casein protein is absorbed over an 8-12-hour period of time. Casein protein is taken before bed so the entire time that you are sleeping your muscles are constantly being fed protein due to its slow release time. Eating meat or egg whites before bed have this effect too, which is why casein protein is an alternative

Tribulis: Tribulis is also optional and will work better on older people. It is an herbal ingredient that increases the amount of testosterone your body can produce naturally. Testosterone along with protein is the foundation of building muscle and the higher you can increase your natural testosterone levels the quicker you will build muscle. Extra testosterone will make you stronger and help you recover faster.

Digestive Enzymes: Digestive enzymes help break your food down into smaller particles and maximize the amount of nutrients you absorb. They will also help stop bloating.

Probiotics: Probiotics are filled with good bacteria and when taken consistently will rid the body of bad bacteria. This will increase the strength of your immune system and allow your body to function optimally.

Remember it is completely your choice where you choose to buy your supplements from. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!